(#005) Hello tomorrow


In March 2012, Emirates Airlines released its new marketing campaign authored by advertising agency extraordinaire StraberryFrog.

The campaign is titled “Hello Tomorrow”, and you can find the video here.

To me, this 60-second masterpiece of storytelling—only the last 11 seconds of which feature barely 13 words—captures everything there is to say about how I have tried to live my life and intend to continue to do so.

The video gave me goosebumps twelve years ago—just as soon as I understood what was happening—and it still does to this day, every single time I watch it.

It belongs to my absolute shortest list of four inspirational pieces of content I revisit on rotation to keep the big picture in focus.

Though it may not typically be considered on point for the festive season—if you ask me—it’s perfectly on point every day of the year and twice on Christmas.

Just as dots of human experience are connected in ‘Hello Tomorrow,’ my 2024 has been about discovering and leveraging the deep connections among all the things that matter to me: family, friends, health, music, photography, videography, writing, and—of course—my entrepreneurial spirit.

I wanted to create something lasting to celebrate my pursuits this year, and I couldn’t have been more fortunate to have such talented friends—Camilla Agnelli and Nathan Caporotondi—willing to collaborate on this project with me, for which I am deeply grateful.

Twelve months are more than enough to turn our life around in whichever way we resolve to…

For 2025, I wish you 365 days spent striving for the causes that most matter to you.


P.S. In case you are wondering, this is the best place to read about what I have been up to as of recent: Tokyo9 Act II: A bridge across.


(#006) On cholesterol and renewal


(#004) The finish line